It’s again this time of a year…

When we reflect on the year that is coming to an end and we are stepping into the New Year full of optimism, curiosity and new resolutions.


My dear readers, friends, family and business partners,

I hope that this holiday season you are loved, you are happy and at peace. That you had time to reflect on the past year and think about what would you like to accomplish in 2020.

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here with me and following my journey, for being present in my life, to showing your support, love and trust.

I wouldn’t be here without you.


In this short post I would like to wish you the most beautiful holidays! Joy, laughter and love in 2020. Making beautiful memories, being loved, going after your dreams.



I am this kind of girl with a diary and a pen in my hand most of the days, All my resolutions, year reviews, goals and achievements are there. Journal helps me to stay focused (and it’s not always easy with a toddler) and be effective in professional and personal life.

During the Christmas time I had a look at my 2019 goals and I accomplished most of them. It feels so good.

Here are some of my resolutions that I wrote on 1st of January 2019 in a beautiful Athens:

– Start this Blog! ( I started it in March 2019),

– Publish my articles,

– Develop my fashion production company,

– Grow my Instagram audience,

– Be part of 1 year Leadership Program for Women ( I was accepted in November and started program in December).

I am slowly writing now my goals for 2020 and I already know that to each goal I will put a small action plan. How can I achieve. How many actions will I do daily/ weekly or monthly to achieve it. I want it all to be possible, one step at a time, no unrealistic dreams, everything that I can do and size it by 2 😉

In October I joined “Osez briller dans votre vie” (“Dare to shine in your life”) workshop with life coach Victoria Branson. This program helped me a lot with finding simple and realistic ways to work on my goals in a way that it feels possible. I truly recommend to find a good coach if you have problem with your NY resolutions, it can be an enriching and life-changing experience.

And here are some of my goals for 2020:

– Finish Leadership Program,

– Start writing a book ( a long dream of mine, now it’s a time),

– Double my income,

– Get more publications,

– Create even more beautiful fashion shows and events,

– Create valuable content for my audience,

– Travel a lot,

– Be the best mom, wife, daughter, friend, sister and a person that I can be.



And to finish my article I would like to share with you the application that I have recently discovered. It is called : Cherry Checkout and it’s a new world-changing application available in Switzerland. You can donate money to charity of your choice and receive a voucher for different services or products. For the Christmas time Cherry Checkout partnered with very innovative and sustainable fashion brand APPAREAL. For every donated 20 chf you will receive 100 voucher for shopping online at Appareal. You can choose from up to 50 charities and every week they have a new partnership.


Here are some of the charities that you can support through: Cherry Checkout:

Reach for the Moon

Enfance & Cancer

The Théodora Foundation

J’aime Ma Planète

The Sparadrap

Initiative Friendly Hospital of Babies ( IHAB)

and many others.

As always I am wishing you love

Bella xx

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